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  • One-length buzz all over, edged-up with trimmers and a straight-edge razor


  • Clippers on the sides and back, scissors on top , edged-up with trimmers and a straight-edge razor

    (NO FADE)

  • A low-fade, mid-fade, or high-fade down to skin using a foil shaver, any length on top, lined-up with trimmers and a straight-edge razor


  • A skin taper/temp fade with any length on top, lined-up with trimmers and a straight-edge razor

  • A full scissor-cut all around, blow-dried and styled

    (For longer styles below the collar we recommend consulting with a salon)

  • A full beard trimmed with clipper, edged-up with trimmers and finished with a straight-edge razor

    For beard only service $15

    Add-on to any other service $10

  • (add-on service)